Thursday, August 22, 2013

Our First Week

This week has been all about learning the rituals, rules and routines of kindergarten.

In language arts, students have been practicing working in groups and not switching until time is called. This will help children transition into literacy centers smoothly.

In math, we have been exploring our math manipluatives like pattern blocks, geo blocks, counting bears, interlocking cubes, etc. Students have had a chance to play with these tools while learning that there are rules that they must always follow (i.e.- don't throw them, keep them on the table, never put them in your mouth, etc.)

Finally, in science, students have learned what a scientist is and what a scientist does. They have had multiple opportunities to use science tools like hand lenses, balance scales, rulers, etc.

Check out all the pictures of us hard at work...

Back to School!

Phew! It's been a busy week! Sorry for the delay in posting, but we've got some great pictures to share with you. Here's a few we took on the first (or second) day of school.

If you do not see your child's picture it's probably because we do not have a computer useage contract on file for him/her. Please be sure to turn it in so we can post more pictures.

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Nice to Meet You

We are so excited to meet all of you tomorrow at Orientation, but we can't wait until then! Leave us a comment and tell us a little something about our new students. Remember...we can't use students' names on the internet. When talking about your child please use his/her initials. We will know who you're talking about!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Text Updates

In effort to keep you up to date on all the events happening in our classroom, we are offering text alerts. Throughout the year we will send out a mass text to remind you special events, items due, materials needed, etc. Your name and phone number will remain private to all users except us!

If you'd like to subscribe, text @parf to (904)395-5164. We hope to hear from you soon!

Adopt Our Classroom

Did you know that teachers’ access to and use of hands-on learning resources in the classroom is the single most important teacher input factor toward student success?

Did you know that teachers spend an average of $1,200 of their own money each year purchasing resources and materials for the classroom?

You can help offset some of these cost for our classroom through Adopt-A-Classroom. The program enables individuals like you to help teachers succeed in the classroom.

 100% of the donation is provided to the teacher in an online account.
 Adopt-A-Classroom takes $0 for administration.
 All donations are tax-deductible.
 No donation is too small. Any amount helps.
 You receive Impact Reports that show exactly how the teacher spends the money, so it’s fully accountable and transparent.
 You receive direct feedback from the teacher so you can experience first hand the impact you have made.

You can learn more about the Adopt-A-Classroom program by visiting its website at

This is a great opportunity to get involved. As we all know, children learn best when the community works together toward helping students reach their highest potential. 

To donate you may need our email address. If so, it's

Thank you in advance for your support!