Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed!

Did you know that today is John Chapman's (aka Johnny Appleseed) birthday?

The weather is getting cooler and fall has officially begun! To celebrate, we are learning about apples. Wednesday students got to taste test a red apple, green apple and a yellow apple and choose their favorite. Then, we made a graph to determine what type of apple our class likes best. Some students thought the green apples were sour. Some said yellow apples were soft. Some thought the red apples were crunchy.

Ask your child what type of apple he/she liked best. Ask him/her to use descriptive words (i.e.- soft, sweet, sour, crunchy, etc.) to tell you about each apple.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Leave a Comment!

So sorry we forgot to post this last night! We were so tired after Open House it completely slipped our minds!  

This weekend we plan on watching lots of football. Go Gators!!!!

Leave a comment and let us know your plans for the weekend. Remember...student names cannot be posted online so please use your child's initials. Those who comment by Monday will receive a prize!

Monday, September 2, 2013


Don't forget Open House is this Thursday at 6:30 p.m. We will be giving some very important information about curriculum and behavior expectations. It will be most beneficial for you if children are not present. If you cannot find child care, that's okay, it is more important that you attend.

We hope to see you all there!

Literacy Centers

Last week we introduced literacy centers. Literacy centers are an important part of our literacy block and something students will participate in every day. During this time, children work in small groups working on varying activities, such as making words with magnetic letters, reading in the classroom library and hunting for familiar words around the classrooms. While students are working independently, we utilize that time to assess them, monitor their progress and listen to students read.

Check out some of the great work students did last week!

Please note that some faces have been blocked because we do not have computer usage forms on file for all students.