Monday, October 21, 2013

Red Ribbon Week

This week we are celebrating Red Ribbon Week.  During this time we teach students to say, "No!" to drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

To celebrate we will be collecting items for the Arlington Community Services. Their current needs are canned potatoes, , dry beans, peanut butter, jelly, canned meats, jiffy mix, rice, boxed potatoes, dry milk packets, cans/bottles of juice, crackers, cookie, candy, granola bars, pasta sides, cake mixes, frosting, stuffing mix, Hamburger Helper, toothpaste and laundry detergent. The classes that collect the most items will win a dance party with snacks!

Your child can also dress up each day this week.

Monday: "Put a cap on drugs!" Students can wear a hat to school.
Tuesday: "Drugs are a dangerous, slippery slope!" Students can wear slippers to school. Students should bring a change of sneakers for recess.
Wednesday: "Go for the goal and be drug free!" Students wear a sports-themed shirt to school.
Thursday: "I say 'no' by wearing red!" Wear red to school.

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